
There is a word for it!

While many languages contain words and ideas that cannot directly be translated into English, English itself contains some highly specific words that you may not have even heard of!

The verb for putting something off to tomorrow is “to peredinate”.

An insultingly small tip is called a “flumpence”.

A question that requires more than a straightforward “yes” or “no” answer is called a “percontation”.

The use of foul language to cope with stress is called “lalochezia”.

The “overwhelming desire to stay at home” is called “oysterhood”.

A bowl formed by cupping your hands together is called a “gowpen”.

An unfair or unnecessarily harsh critic is a “zoilist”.

Money meant only to be spent on drink is called “trinkgeld”.

If you ask a question and then immediately answer it yourself then you are guilty of “sermocination”.

The part of your back you can’t reach is called the “acnestis”.

A person who gives opinions beyond his area of expertise is an “ultracrepidarian”.

The smell of rain is called “Petrichor”, which is Greek for “divine blood of the rocks”.

The dancing lights you see when you rub your eyes or get hit in the head are called “phosphenes”.

The word for “pointless research” is “mateotechny”.

Proving a point by discrediting the opposing view rather than justifying your own is called an “apagoge”.

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